Welcome to the Philipstown Behavioral Health Hub. We provide free referrals and care coordination to help people secure vital mental health and addiction recovery resources and to connect with providers. We also offer support groups, programs, and partnerships to serve our community with compassion and confidentiality.
Here is how we can help:
Care Coordination - The Hub will help you or a family member to find mental health or addiction recovery services that are based on your specific needs. All consultations are completely FREE and CONFIDENTIAL. We will also continue to help navigate you through your wellness journey over time.
Programs and Events - Join us for a range of free programs, peer support groups, wellness initiatives, and so much more, that help to create connections and reduce stigma about mental health and addiction.
Partnerships and Outreach - We partner with a range of community organizations including hospitals, schools, stabilizations centers, EMS and law enforcement, local government leaders and businesses, among many others, to bring mental health support to people in need.
We are committed to protecting your privacy and confidentiality. As a behavioral health organization, we follow ethical and legal requirements to protect your privacy. Please contact us if you have any questions. We are here for you.